I felt like because I was concentrating on what my girlfriend was saying with no distractions, I could fully understand what she was saying. I could also visualise the stories she was telling me and empathise with the emotions she felt at the time. She told me she felt more engaged with the conversation because we maintained eye contact through the whole three minute period. We both felt present in the conversation.
I think taking “one breath a day” is a good start for the habit of mindfulness. It’s easy and it doesn’t take long. On top of that, it also give me a chance to stop and reassess where I’m at, how I’m going personally, what is happening around me. Something simple but effective.
I really enjoyed the idea of walking meditation. I feel like when I’m meditating sitting down for a period of time I get stiff and bored. I feel as though it would be a completely new experience meditating by walking, more energised.